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distance and frequencies

How the AO Scan Finds You and Sends Frequencies Anywhere in the World

February 18, 20253 min read

How the AO Scan Finds You and Sends Frequencies Anywhere in the World

One of the most common questions I hear is:

"How can the AO Scan software find me and send me the right frequencies, no matter where I am?"

It sounds unbelievable at first, but once you understand quantum physics, energy fields, and the nature of our bodies, it all starts to make sense. Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to understand!

1. Everything is Energy and Frequency

At its core, everything in the universe—including our bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. This isn't just a spiritual concept; it's quantum physics.

Just like a radio can pick up a broadcast from miles away by tuning into the correct frequency, your body has a unique energetic signature that can be detected and interacted with.

2. Your Body is a Crystalline Receiver

Did you know your body is actually a biological crystal?

We’re made up of water, salts, and minerals, forming a liquid-crystal matrix. Crystals are amazing because they can store, receive, and transmit information (which is why quartz crystals are used in watches, computers, and radios!).

This means your body is naturally wired to receive and respond to frequencies, making it the perfect receiver for energetic support.

3. Quantum Entanglement: The Instant Connection

Now, let’s talk about the mind-blowing part—quantum entanglement.

Science has shown that once two particles interact, they stay connected no matter how far apart they are.

When the AO Scan captures your unique energetic signature through your voice, image, or personal information (height, weight, birth date), it creates an energetic connection with you. Because of quantum entanglement, distance doesn’t matter—your signature remains linked, allowing precise frequency broadcasting anywhere in the world.

4. Scalar Waves: The Wireless Highway for Energy

You’ve heard of radio waves and Wi-Fi, right? Those signals weaken over distance.

But scalar waves—the type of waves used in frequency broadcasting—don’t lose strength over distance. They are instantaneous and non-local, meaning they work beyond space and time.

This allows AO Scan to send frequencies directly to you, no matter where you are in the world.

5. Resonance: Why Your Body Accepts the Right Frequencies

A key principle in energy medicine is resonance—the idea that your body only absorbs the frequencies it needs.

If a frequency matches an area of imbalance, your body will resonate with it and begin to restore balance. If it’s not needed, your body simply ignores it—just like how you can tune out background noise in a busy room.

Final Thoughts: The Science of Frequency Healing

The AO Scan isn’t “guessing” where you are. It’s using your energetic signature, quantum physics, and scalar waves to send targeted frequencies directly to you.

This concept has been used in radionics, biofeedback, and energy medicine for decades. And now, thanks to modern technology, we can harness these principles to support wellness in a truly non-invasive and personalized way.

Once you understand that we are energy, everything vibrates, and quantum entanglement allows for instant connection, it all makes sense!

Would you like to experience the power of frequency broadcasting for yourself? Let’s chat! You can text the word "broadcast" to (814) 701-3939 and we can start a conversation or schedule a call around broadcasting options to support your health!

Wife, mama of 3 boys, and supporter of being empowered on your journey. It's time we take our health back into our own hands.

Emily Mahler

Wife, mama of 3 boys, and supporter of being empowered on your journey. It's time we take our health back into our own hands.

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