Understanding Your Inner Voice Report
"This report is SPOT ON." - many clients
"Inner Voice technology uses sound harmonizing techniques, which generate balancing audio frequencies derived from the voice spectrum excesses and weaknesses in the human voice.
Inner Voice diminishes frequencies that are in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack.
Inner Voice records your voice and analyzes twelve notes across nine octaves. It focuses on the three highest notes that are excessively out of balance or over-represented as one lowest note that is being suppressed.
Inner Voice helps harmonize our everyday life by improving Concentration, Creativity, Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management, and Interpersonal Relationships.
Ignoring the impact of negative emotions and stress communicated by the voice can put our health in jeopardy. The American Medical Association (AMA) states that 80% of all health problems are stress related. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85% of all diseases appear to have an emotional element."
Direct from the Inner Scan Report Explanation
Audio Example & Explanation
Pulse Tones is pictured here. Classic tones gives you four audios of 3 minutes each. Pulse tones is more customized directly to your needs.
This graphic shows the graph and audio portion of the Inner Voice Report.
Starting at the top with the numbers, they indicate the frequency in your voice related to the various notes. Each note represents an emotional imbalance.
C - Unacknowledges vs. Self Validated
C# - Repetive Thinking vs. Creative Thinking
D - Sadness vs. Inner Peace
D# - Emotional Disconnected vs. Emotionally Integrated
E - Self Critical vs. Self Accepting
F - Conditional Love vs. Unconditional Love
F# - Angry vs. Accepting of Change
G - Fear vs. Confident
G# - Suppressed Emotion vs. Self Expression
A - Low Self Esteem vs. Self Accepting
A# - Rigid Beliefs vs. Open to Possibilities
B - Conflicting Beliefs vs. Congruent Beliefs
High numbers = emotions in excess
Low numbers = suppressed emotions
Pay attention to the large gaps between numbers. If they are all about the same number, that shows more emotional regulation.
The colored letters are the balancing frequency audios to support your emotions (which in turn support your physical being).
Report Example & Explanation
The Main Emotions Out of Balance does not mean you are one or the other listed. It means there is an imbalance between the two emotions.
The Positive / Negative Emotions are emotions you could be experiencing because of the emotional imbalance. It doesn’t mean you are feeling all of them, they just correlate to the imbalanced emotions.
Color Therapy: You can surround yourself with the color it’s recommended for the various imbalanced emotions. You can wear it physically, change your phone screen background, carry a crystal or anything related to that color.
The Bottom Four sections are specific to YOU in the imbalance.
Emotions: These are the top three emotions that came up related to the imbalance. Emotions can be yours and what you are feeling or they can be emotions others are feeling that affecting you.
Potential Causes: Make sure to read the “What Frequencies Indicate” section. What comes up here may not be something you are dealing with presently, but there has been damage or inflammation at some point in your life or it’s something you’ve energetically picked up from someone else.
Vitals: These are the top three vitals that are out of balance in relation to the emotional imbalance. (you can review them in more detail in the Vitals Report)
Imbalances and Suggestions: Body Systems that need support and how to support them in relation to what your body is needing.
Remember to look for patterns throughout each report. Is it related to the digestive system, skeletal system, respiratory system, hormones, and endocrine system? Take note of the recommendations as well.
I offer these reports via text or as a session. If you would like to schedule, please reach out via email at [email protected] text me at (814) 701-3939 with the word "Inner Voice Session"
**AO Scan Technology is not a medical device. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or mitigate any disease. If you are sick please consult with your health care provider or physician. This is educational information and should be used at your own discretion.